Book Review: Becoming a Technical Leader

I recently finished Becoming a Technical Leader by Gerald Weinberg in an effort to clear books some books off the currently-reading list. I picked this up after enjoying The Psychology of Computer Programming. The length and tale-driven writing style makes me think of Weinberg's books as the Tolkein equivalent in programming non-fiction.

That said not everybody might share my high opinion. For me the book contained a wealth of experience mixed with introspective prompts that helps absorb and apply the material. Problem solving is an essential part of programming so applying it to leadership makes sense.

Some quotes that stuck with me:

In the seed model, Leadership is the process of creating an environment in which people become empowered.

The only event I can think of that is almost universally a down is a serious personal illness. Yet, for many people including myself, the deep depression of such an illness marks the beginning of a new and much higher period in their career.

They're all doing the best they can, under the circumstances. If I don't think they are doing the best they can, then I don't understand the circumstances.

Looking over the quotes I highlighted I noticed a pattern. They mostly seemed related to empowering those around you and using compassion as a tool for understanding others. Overall a positive book that treats people as people and helps you do the same.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.

© 2017 Frank Meola

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