Book Review: Managing Humans

Over the last holiday break I finished Managing Humans by Michael Lopp. Lopp's no-BS writing style combined with his knowledge of software, business, and management is a powerful combination. I've been a fan of his blog for years and while much of Managing Human's content can be found there the book provides a nice collection and is well worth it's space on the bookshelf or eReader.

Much like his other book Being Geek each re-read offers valuable insight that was missed before.

Some quotes that stuck with me:

busy is usually tactical, not strategic.

in the absence of information, people will create their own.

A good manager is a person who is playing to a strategy and isn't merely stumbling around squashing fires all day.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.

© 2017 Frank Meola

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