I kept seeing The Passionate Programmer show up on the blogs of developers I respected. I dropped it onto the book backlog and figured when the time was right I would read it. Well, turns out the right time was now.
It's easy to see why PragProg decided to publish it as The Passionate Programmer feels very much like the sequel to The Pragmatic Programmer. If The Pragmatic Programmer was about going from Journeyman to Master then The Passionate Programmer is about going from Master to Renowned Humble Master.
The books follows a nice format of informal prose and anecdotes from it's author Chad Fowler followed by action items that provide you with pointers to career introspection. The lessons learned and the tie in with his early music career make this accessible to seasoned programmers and those considering a career in programming.
The action items present a straightforward and effective lens through which you can view your career both past and future. They give you concrete advice and tools to make strides towards what you want to achieve.
Pick up a copy today and get the passion back in your career.
Go read The Pragmatic Programmer then read The Passionate Programmer.